Champion rider: Hulda Gústafsdóttir


Full name:  Hulda Gústafsdóttir

Nickname you hate: Old goat

Age: 51

Relationship status: married

Favourite drink: Pepsi max

Favourite diner/restaurant: Kol

What car do you drive: Audi

Favourite TV show:  just finished watching Big little lies, a fantastic show

Favourite musician: Ed Sheeran, at the moment

Your favourite "friend" on snapchat: The Clan which is a group for my family

What was your last text message: “I thought I was on the wrong plain” from my daughter Edda Hrund but she was coming home from Greenland.

Sweetest victory: I think its winning the five gait riding Birkir frá Vatni on the Icelandic Championship 2016.

Biggest disappointment: That me and Birkir didn’t get our chance to compete at the WC in Holland 2017.

If you got to pick one rider from another team who would you pick: I would take this a little bit further and make an all girls team. With me, Aðalheiður, Þórdís, Sylvía, Olil, Elin Holst, Edda Rún, Ragnhildur Haraalds, Berglind Ragnars, Freyja Amble, Hanne, Agnes Hekla. We would crush the boys ! :)

The first thing you would do if you were the chairman of the Champions league:  Buy Ingólfshvol and move the competition back there.

The most beautiful male rider in Iceland:  Hinni Braga

The most beautiful female rider in Iceland: Edda Hrund Hinriksdóttir

The biggest player on your team:  Those guys, they are all the same

The most annoying rider on your team:  the team leader, Hinni.

Favourite place in Iceland: Árbakki

Fun moment/moments in competition:  Once I was riding Stefnir frá Tunguhálsi a really good five gait program which I later rode at a WC. This was when wearing a helmet was starting to be a rule and I had this helmet that has this stretch under the chin. During the pace the helmet fell off and after a discussion amongst the judged I was disqualified. Ohhh, typical !

What is the first thing you do when you wake up: open my eyes and brush my teeth

What were you bad at in school:  I think I can say that I was pretty even in everything but maybe statistics in Uni was the most difficult for me.

Favourite Eurovision song:  The swedish song, I think it's called Hero.

What to riders would you pick to join you on a deserted Island:  Hinna and Gústa, you can laugh with them.

A crazy fact about yourself:  I was 3 months pregnant with Gústi at the WC in 1995 when I was in second place in five gait and third place in T2. It was 30 degrees the entire championship and I had morning sickness the whole time, my only nutrition was orange juice and ice tea.

Do you follow any other sports :  yes, fotball a little, can’t avoid it and when the icelandic national team play in football and handball.


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