Melkorka will compete again

Now there is a week until next competition which is T2. Team Lýsi/Oddhóll/Þjóðólfshagi did an extremely good job last year in T2 but all riders where in the A finals, and Lena was in first place. We contacted Sigurður, the team leader, to see how the preparation is going.

"The preparation is going good. We haven't taken our final practice yet so we haven't decided exactly which horses will compete but it's looking good. Lena will compete on Melkorka but they won last year so I think they will do great things. Sigurbjörn will compete on a new horse since Jarl went abroad last year. I have two horse that I'm choosing from, one is List frá Langsstöðum, which is a daughter of Loki frá Selfossi, and the other one is Freyþór frá Ásbrú," says Sigurður but he and Freyþór came third last year.

The team is in a familiar position but they are in last place in the team competition but last year they were also in last place after gæðingafimi. "It didn't look good last year so we held a crisis meeting and got ourselves together and finished in first place when the season was over. The situation is not looking good now but a lot of things can happen and the competition is only half-way done." says Sigurður.

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