The Champions League is starting

Now it's only a week until the Champions League will start again. For our foreign friends we offer you a subscription online where you can watch every competition. This year the broadcast will be both in English and Icelandic.

You can buy the subscription on the Champions League website and here.

We would also like to point out that the Champions League is now on Instagram and snapchat under the name meistaradeildin. Join us and see what the riders are up to.

Also check out our website from news but now our website is also in English but we are working on finishing the team description.

The dates for the competition are:

28. January Thursday four gait V1 Fákasel
11. February Thursday gæðingafimi Fákasel
25. February Thursday tölt T2 Fákasel
10. March Thursday five gait F1, Samskipahöllin
8. April Friday final evening tölt T1 and flying pace Fákasel

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