Champion rider: Siguroddur Pétursson

Full name:  Siguroddur Pétursson

Nickname you hate: Nothing at the moment

Age: 48

Relationship status: relationship

When did you first participate in the Champions league:  2018

Favourite drink: Coke

Favourite diner/restaurant: Löyla in Finland

What car do you drive: Ford 350

Favourite TV show:  Horse shows

Favourite musician: The beatles

Your favourite "friend" on snapchat: Many

How was your last text message: ok

Sweetest victory: 3rd place at LM 2014 and a finals in tölt and four gait at the Icelandic championship 2017

If you got to pick one rider from another team who would you pick: I’m pretty happy with the team

The first thing you would do if you were the chairman of the Champions league: I think I have to try out the competition for one season before I think of becoming the chairman

The most beautiful male rider in Iceland: Difficult to choose between Palli in Austurkot and Jónbi at Berg.

The most beautiful female rider in Iceland: Ásdís Ólöf

The biggest player on your team: I think it’s Hansi

The most annoying rider on your team:  Me

Favourite place in Iceland: Hrísdalur

What is the first thing you do in the morning: Open my eyes

What were you bad at in school: Everything

Favourite Eurovision song:  Olsen brothers

What to riders would you pick to join you on a deserted Island: Ásdísi, Palli in Austurkot and Jónbi at Berg.

Do you follow any other sports : No,


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