Champion rider: Ólafur Ásgeirsson

Full name:  Ólafur Brynjar Ásgeirsson

Nickname you hate: Binni

Age: 45

Relationship status: Relationship

When did you first participate in the Champions league:  Around 2010 I think.

Favourite drink: Coca-Cola

Favourite diner/restaurant: Kanslarinn at Hella

What car do you drive: Toyota Land Cruiser

Favourite TV show:  Messan with Gummi Ben

Favourite musician: Bubbi Morthens

Your favourite "friend" on snapchat: I don’t have Snapchat

How was your last text message: Don’t forget to answer the questions from Hinni

Sweetest victory: Four gait in the Champions League

Biggest disappointment: When Gunnar Nelson got knocked out.

If you got to pick one rider from another team who would you pick: Guðmundur Björgvinsson

The first thing you would do if you were the chairman of the Champions league: Start competing in Smali again.  

The most beautiful male rider in Iceland:  Erling Ó Sigurðsson

The most beautiful female rider in Iceland: Åsa Ljungberg

The biggest player on your team:  Ragnar Tómasson

The most annoying rider on your team:  No one at the moment

Favourite place in Iceland: Ásahreppurinn

What is the first thing you do when you wake up: Drive my boys to kindergarten and school

What were you bad at in school: Almost everything

Favourite Eurovision song:  Something from Sweden

What to riders would you pick to join you on a deserted Island: Ragga Hinriks and Jóa G.

Do you follow any other sports : Football, UFC, Handball and Golf.


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